Make A Donation
If you would like to contribute to the upkeep of the 2.5 hectares of tranquil, public space containing unique horticulture, historic memorials, a children’s play area, cafe & tennis courts, you can donate to us online by entering your chosen donation amount below.
Please choose your donation amount or enter your chosen donation below...
If you would like to contribute to the upkeep of the 2.5 hectares of tranquil, public space containing unique horticulture, historic memorials, a children’s play area, cafe & tennis courts, you can donate to us online by entering your chosen donation amount below.
Alternatively you can find the link below to our – ‘Just Giving’ page:
The Gardens are kept open for the benefit of you, your family and the Braintree public by the Braintree & Bocking Public Gardens Trust (BBPGT) – a registered charity totally dependent upon financial donations from the general public and local business community to maintain and develop the gardens.
It costs around £50,000 a year to keep the gardens open and provide access throughout the year to the public. Funds, to meet the costs of upkeep, are raised through donations from the general public and local business and from a range of fundraising events held in the gardens.
This website is dedicated to providing information about the fundraising events held in the Braintree and Bocking Public Gardens.