Elm, English

The English Elm, is a deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 30m, and may live more than 100 years.

The bark is grey-brown, rough and fissured, often with suckers growing from the base of the trunk. The twigs are finely hairy.


Photo supplied by: Alan Payne

Common Name:
English Elm

Scentific Name:
Ulmus procera

Tree No:


Smaller than those of the wych elm at 4–9cm in length. They are round to oval, toothed with a rough, hairy surface. They have the characteristic asymmetrical base that other elms have, and taper to a sudden point at the top.

Credit: Alan Payne



English elms are hermaphrodites, meaning both male and female reproductive parts are contained within the same flower. Flowers are dark pink to red and hang in tassels, appearing between February and March.

Credit: This could be your image


Once they’ve been pollinated by wind, the flowers develop into tiny winged fruits, known as samaras. These are dispersed by wind.

Credit: This could be your image

Despite its common name, it may have been introduced to the UK by Bronze Age farmers, or could be native to southern England only. In the past, English elm dominated the British landscape, but has been ravaged by Dutch elm disease since the 1960s. Now it is only found occasionally in hedgerows or woodland.

Elm grows best in well-drained soil in hedgerows and woodland. It can usually tolerate a range of pH levels in soil.

Many birds and some small mammals eat elm seeds and the leaves provide food for the caterpillars of many moths. Caterpillars of the white-letter hairstreak butterfly feed on elms and the species has declined dramatically since Dutch elm disease arrived in the UK.

Its timber was immensely valuable in making coffin boards, ships, piles for wharves and piers.

Elm wood is strong and durable with a tight-twisted grain, and is resistant to water. It has been used in decorative turning, and to make boats and boat parts, furniture, wheel hubs, wooden water pipes, floorboards and coffins.

Until 1967 the English Elm dominated the landscape of East Anglia and the whole of Britain. In that year a load of infected logs from North America brought a more virulent strain of Dutch Elm Disease to Britain.

This disease originally came to Europe in 1910 from Asia. It was isolated and named in Holland in 1921 but had largely died out by 1940. The new strain, carried by the Elm-bark Beetle, spread rapidly across Britain and by 1990 it had killed 25 million trees in the UK.

In the early nineties, it became clear that a number of mature elm trees in Essex had survived Dutch Elm Disease, despite all around them having succumbed. Local Tree Officer Melvyne Crow took some cuttings from these trees and deposited a few of them with Paul King, of King & Co.

Over a period of around 10 years Paul King potted them on, as the original trees were still in full leaf and realised that resistance to DED was increasingly likely. The decision was taken to investigate the best method of propagating these cuttings to produce good numbers of trees. Despite some difficulties, over 2000 “plugs” were eventually produced via micro-propagation. Since then, these trees have been grown on until reaching 10-12ft (3-3.7m) feet in height and are now established in 45 litre containers.

By the time these elm trees were released for sale in 2014, well over £75,000 had been spent on the project. Although it is unlikely that the trees are immune to DED, they do seem highly resistant to the disease. This may be because the main vector of DED, the Elm Bark Beetle, does not like feeding on the shiny, pendulous of this type of smooth leafed elm. The co-operation of Melvyne Crow and Paul King may well have saved the English Elm.

Tree Listings

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Black Walnut

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Snowy Mespil

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Rowan Tree

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Rowan Tree

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Wollemi Pine

Pine, Wollemi Content to follow.  Photo supplied by: Alan PayneCommon Name:Wollemi Pine Scentific Name:Wollemia nobilis Tree No:190 Location:D7Content to follow. Credit: This could be your image    Content to follow. Credit: This could be your image...

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Scotch Pine

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Red Oak

Oak, Red The Red Oak, is a fast growing broadleaved deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 25m, and may live for 500 years, although 300 years may be more typical. The bark is smooth and silver-grey when young, and develops warts or ridges with age. Twigs are...

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Lucombe Oak

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Braintree & Bocking Public Gardens,
43 Bocking End,
CM7 9AE.

Open 9:00 to 4:00pm – January, February.
Open 9:00 to 6:00pm – March.
Open 9:00 to 7:00pm – April.
Open 9:00 to 8:00pm – May, June, July, August.
Open 9:00 to 7:00pm – September.
Open 9:00 to 6:00pm – October.
Open 9:00 to 4:00pm – November December.

Note – The gates are locked at dusk.
Dusk is subject to seasonal variation, so closing times may not be exactly to the schedule, at the transitions.

No dogs allowed in the gardens.
No alcohol to be consumed in the gardens.
No riding of cycles or scooters in the gardens.

General Enquiries
Phone: 01376 773066
Email: info@braintreeandbockinggardens.co.uk

Tennis Enquiries
Phone: 01376 773070
Email: tennis@braintreeandbockinggardens.co.uk

© Braintree & Bocking Public Gardens Trust 2017-2021. All Rights Reserved.

Registered Charity Number 212989

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Braintree and Bocking Public Gardens

Braintree and Bocking Public Gardens

We provide, maintain and preserve these unique and beautiful gardens as a community green space.

🪩🕺Festival In The Gardens May 2025 🕺🪩Festival in the Gardens is coming back to our beautiful Braintree and Bocking Public Gardens on the 24th and 25th of May.This has always been a popular family event and we know this year will be another fantastic event, with something for all the community to enjoy. Featuring live music from many local bands playing original and cover versions, funk, disco, dance music and more, alongside some great food vendors serving street food, from gourmet burgers, Indian cuisine, stone oven pizzas or Vegan, Licensed bars, offering local ales from Bishop Nick, Ciders, Wine, Pimms, Cocktails and much more. We also have a children’s zone with rides, inflatables, entertainment and activities as well as some wonderful local craft stalls. Book now to secure your 25% early bird discount if you book before 28 February, tickets will be £13 using the code: E4RLYB1RD via the Festival in the Gardens website www.festivalinthegardens.com ... See MoreSee Less
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