Cedar, Western Rad

The Western Red Cedar, is an giant evergreen conifer, that can grow to a height of 65m, and may live for 1,000’s of years, with several examples in existance that over 1,500 years old.

It is tall and conical in shape, with a broad trunk and dense fern-like foliage.

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Common Name:
Western Red Cedar

Scentific Name:
Thuja plicata

Tree No:


Leaf bases cover the twigs, creating flattened sprays of foliage in opposite pairs. Leaves sprouting from the twigs are small, only 2–3mm long, and scale-like with an ovate shape. They are dark glossy green above with whitish markings underneath.

Credit: Alan Payne



The species is monoecious, which means that both male and female flowers grow on the same tree. Male flowering cones are small and inconspicuous. Female flowering cones are small, reddish-purple, and borne near the tips of branches.

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Small, woody cones are brown, slender and oval-shaped with scales. Seeds are brown ovals with narrow wings on either side.

Credit: This could be your image

Native to North America, the western red cedar is planted in Britain, often as evergreen hedging in gardens or for timber. It is tolerant of dense shade.

The tree’s dense foliage attracts many birds and insects which find shelter in the fissured bark.

Their timber is used for shingles and doors and windows as it is slow to rot. The American Indians hollowed out 15 metre canoes from cedar trees.

In the UK, the tree is planted for timber and shelter. The wood is highly sought after, being one of the most durable in the world. It has an aromatic fragrance which can be retained for long periods of time and it also contains a natural preservative which is resistant to fungal attack. The durable wood is soft and good for construction.


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Tree Listings

Golden Irish Yew

Yew, Golden Irish The Golden Irish Yew, is an evergreen conifer, that can grow to a height of 7m, and may live for over 2,000 years, although 1,500 years may be more typical. The bark is brown-grey with purple tones, and it peels. This tree was planted for the...

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Goat Willow

Willow, Goat The Goat Willow, also known as the pussy willow, is a broadleaved deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 10m, and may live for 300 years. The bark is grey-brown and develops diamond-shaped fissures with age. Twigs are hairy at first but become...

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Whitebeam The Whitebeam, is a charming broadleaved deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 15m, and may live for 200 years. They're compact and domed. The bark and twigs are grey, and the shoots are brick red in sunlight but greyish-green in shade. This tree was...

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Black Walnut

Walnut, Black The Walnut, is a broadleaved deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 35m, and may live for 200 years. They typically have a short trunk and broad crown, though can be narrower if grown in a woodland situation. The bark is smooth and olive-brown when...

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Sycamore Tree The Sycamore Tree, is a large broadleaved deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 35m, and may live for 400 years. The bark is dark pink-grey, and smooth when young, but becomes cracked and develops small plates with age. Twigs are pink-brown and...

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Snowy Mespil

Snowy Mespil The Snowy Mespil, is small deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 7m, and may live for 60 years. This tree was planted in 1995 By Mrs M. Pocock in memory of her husband.  Photo supplied by: Alan PayneCommon Name:Snowy Mespil Scentific...

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Rowan Tree

Rowan Tree The Rowan Tree, is an elegant broadleaved deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 15m, and may live for 200 years. The bark is smooth and silvery grey, and leaf buds are purple and hairy.  Photo supplied by: Alan PayneCommon Name:Rowan Tree...

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Rowan Tree

Rowan Tree The Rowan Tree, is an elegant broadleaved deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 15m, and may live for 200 years. The bark is smooth and silvery grey, and leaf buds are purple and hairy.  Photo supplied by: Alan PayneCommon Name:Rowan Tree...

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Wollemi Pine

Pine, Wollemi Content to follow.  Photo supplied by: Alan PayneCommon Name:Wollemi Pine Scentific Name:Wollemia nobilis Tree No:190 Location:D7Content to follow. Credit: This could be your image    Content to follow. Credit: This could be your image...

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Scotch Pine

Pine, Scots The Scots Pine (UK), Scotch Pine (US), is a truly stunning evergreen conifer, that can grow to a height of 35m, and may live for 700 years. A tall straight pine tree. The scaly bark is istinctive orange-brown, which develops plates and fissures with age....

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Red Oak

Oak, Red The Red Oak, is a fast growing broadleaved deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 25m, and may live for 500 years, although 300 years may be more typical. The bark is smooth and silver-grey when young, and develops warts or ridges with age. Twigs are...

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Lucombe Oak

Oak, Lucombe The Lucombe Oak, is a large spreading semi-evergreen tree, that can grow to a height of over 20m, and may live for 240 years. The bark is thick and corky and is fire resistant. Branches on older trees can be quite chunky. The buds are brownish, ovate...

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Braintree & Bocking Public Gardens,
43 Bocking End,
CM7 9AE.

Open 9:00 to 4:00pm – January, February.
Open 9:00 to 6:00pm – March.
Open 9:00 to 7:00pm – April.
Open 9:00 to 8:00pm – May, June, July, August.
Open 9:00 to 7:00pm – September.
Open 9:00 to 6:00pm – October.
Open 9:00 to 4:00pm – November December.

Note – The gates are locked at dusk.
Dusk is subject to seasonal variation, so closing times may not be exactly to the schedule, at the transitions.

No dogs allowed in the gardens.
No alcohol to be consumed in the gardens.
No riding of cycles or scooters in the gardens.

General Enquiries
Phone: 01376 773066
Email: info@braintreeandbockinggardens.co.uk

Tennis Enquiries
Phone: 01376 773070
Email: tennis@braintreeandbockinggardens.co.uk

© Braintree & Bocking Public Gardens Trust 2017-2021. All Rights Reserved.

Registered Charity Number 212989

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Braintree and Bocking Public Gardens

Braintree and Bocking Public Gardens

We provide, maintain and preserve these unique and beautiful gardens as a community green space.

🪩🕺Festival In The Gardens May 2025 🕺🪩Festival in the Gardens is coming back to our beautiful Braintree and Bocking Public Gardens on the 24th and 25th of May.This has always been a popular family event and we know this year will be another fantastic event, with something for all the community to enjoy. Featuring live music from many local bands playing original and cover versions, funk, disco, dance music and more, alongside some great food vendors serving street food, from gourmet burgers, Indian cuisine, stone oven pizzas or Vegan, Licensed bars, offering local ales from Bishop Nick, Ciders, Wine, Pimms, Cocktails and much more. We also have a children’s zone with rides, inflatables, entertainment and activities as well as some wonderful local craft stalls. Book now to secure your 25% early bird discount if you book before 28 February, tickets will be £13 using the code: E4RLYB1RD via the Festival in the Gardens website www.festivalinthegardens.com ... See MoreSee Less
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