Wild Cherry

Cherry, Wild The Wild Cherry, one of the prettiest native trees, is a broadleaved deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 30m, and may live for 60 years. The shiny bark is a deep reddish-brown with prominent cream-coloured horizontal lines called lenticels....

Western Red Cedar

Cedar, Western Rad The Western Red Cedar, is an giant evergreen conifer, that can grow to a height of 65m, and may live for 1,000’s of years, with several examples in existance that over 1,500 years old. It is tall and conical in shape, with a broad trunk and...

Japanese Red Cedar

Cedar, Japanese Red The Japanese Red Cedar, is an evergreen conifer, that can grow to a height of 65m, and may live for 350 years. The bark is grey and stringy and tears off in long strips on mature trees.. Photo supplied by: Common Name:Japanese Red Cedar Scentific...

Deodar Cedar

Cedar, Deodar The Deodar Cedar, is a fine textured evergreen conifer, that can grow to a height of 50m, and may live for 1,000 years.These two Deodars were probably planted well before the Gardens opened in 1888. Photo supplied by: Common Name:Deodar Cedar Scentific...

Blue Atlas Cedar

Cedar, Blue Atlas The Blue Atlas Cedar, is a showy evergreen conifer, that can grow to a height of 35m, and may live for 150 years. The trees are pyramidical while young but with age become flat topped with horizontal branches. The bark is blackish-brown with closely...

Silver Birch

Birch, Silver The Silver birch, is a striking broadleaved deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 30m, and may live for 150 years, although 60 to 90 years may be more typical. Forming a light canopy with elegant drooping branches. The silver-white bark sheds...