Snowy Mespil
The Snowy Mespil, is small deciduous tree, that can grow to a height of 7m, and may live for 60 years.
This tree was planted in 1995 By Mrs M. Pocock in memory of her husband.

Photo supplied by: Alan Payne
Common Name:
Snowy Mespil
Scentific Name:
Amelanchier lamarckii
Tree No:

A garden shrub. The Amelanchier is one of the first flowering shrubs of spring and lets us know winter is over.
During the summer the small oval leaves become a mid-green then in autumn develop all shades of dazzling orange and red.
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In mid-spring, the Snowy Mespil produces mildly fragrant white flowers that attract many pollinators.
Credit: This could be your image
The flowers mature into red or dark purple berries in early summer.
Credit: This could be your image
The species is probably native to North America, and has been introduced to Europe where it has been grown in gardens and has become naturalized on light acid soils.
The Snowy Mespil is known for attracting bees and other pollinators. It has nectar/pollen rich flowers.
The fruit produced from the Snowy Mespil makes delicious jams or fruit sauces.
Dried, the fruit can be used as a raisin substitute in cakes and sweet biscuits, which has given the shrub its name.
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